The speed of valve line-ups impacts your transfer time. But manually lining up valves slows you down. Coordinating and checking manual operations takes time and human mistakes cause for unnecessary delays.

Reduce your manual operating time
Manual valve line-ups are slowed down by inefficient processes and an operator’s physical limitations. By offering clear guidance and support tools you can help your operators improve their speed of operation. By electronically monitoring your manual valves, you ensure fast and flawless operations.
Increase your throughput with faster line-ups
Our valve line-up solutions give up-to-date status information and allow you to monitor and control manual operations. And with our portable actuators operators line up your valves in less time.
A leaner process with real-time monitoring
You can continuously monitor your line-ups without limiting your operators‘ autonomy. With up to date insight in your line-ups you can instantly commence transfer once your line-up is complete.
With our VPI position indicators, you check your valve line-ups. They are mounted to your existing manual valves to monitor your valve positions in real-time.

First time right operations with a valve line-up system
Fully control your manual line-ups by linking them to your terminal automation. Let your system monitor and authorise every manual step, so that your operators get it right the first time.
With our valve line-up system, your control system determines which manual valves can be operated and monitors the progress of your line-up.
Faster valve operations with portable actuators
Speed up your manual line-ups to reduce transfer time. You can line-up valves in less time by speeding up manual operations.
With our portable actuators, valves are operated faster and with minimal physical strain.

We have helped a large European refinery improving its tank farm throughput. To prepare a product transfer, large numbers of valves need to be lined-up manually. By speeding up this process, the terminal can serve about 80 ships annually, worth €2M+ of extra revenue.
Fast line-ups don’t require automation
In today’s challenging market conditions, terminal operations such as lining up valves for product transfer, must be performed efficiently. However, most terminals rely on manual operations. Luckily, manual valve operations can be significantly accelerated and secured, without the need for complete actuation and automation of all valve operations.