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Daily valve operations

Critical sequences in valve operation processes can cause significant issues and safety breaches if operated wrongly. Utilize our systems and programs to ensure safe and efficient operations.

Ensure safe valve operation processes in critical applications

Valve interlocks are recommended in applications where safe and ‘right-first-time’ valve operation is required, such as pressure relief valves (PSV), pig launching and receiving, inert gas systems, pump start up, flare
lines, boiler blow-down, ‘2 out of 3‘ and decoking.

Goal zero: limit operational risk and mitigate the effects of human error

Sofis valve interlocks are used to ensure your operators follow correct manual valve processes. Valve interlocks and key management systems are widely employed in risk management strategies, forming an important component of process safety. A recurring training program for operators is required to avoid incorrect interlock operations which can lead to (hidden) defects.

Avoid non-compliance with international safety standards and regulations

In many operational processes involving liquids, gasses and chemicals, fully functional safety systems need to be in place to protect employees, the public and the environment from exposure to accidental releases. A Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) is legally required for any industrial process that makes use of hazardous chemicals. Sofis helps you identifying compromised safety integrity situations with regards to valve operations (Safety Integrity & Continuity Program). Our specialists also assist you in improving safety and reducing the consequences of unwanted or unplanned releases of hazardous chemicals.

Valve interlocks installed by site service engineer
Improve your daily valve operations
FlexiDrive remote valve operator

Ensure safe valve operation; remote operations

Allow manual valves to be operated from a safe remote location by using Sofis FlexiDrive remote valve operators.

Go to FlexiDrive

Monitor manual valve operations

Installed on manual operated multi rotation valves, Sofis valve position indicators provide a reliable open or closed signal (wired or wireless) to the control room.

Go to VPI position indicator
Valve position indicator for linear valves
Power Wrench portable valve actuator for multi rotation manual valves

Ensure efficient manual valve operations

Relief operators from stress during operation and save significant operation time, by using Sofis EasiDrive or Power Wrench portable valve actuators.